How Gate Entry Management in ERP benefit Manufacturing Industry ?

Gate Entry or Gate Pass Management is a Software Module used by organizations to keep an eye on every visitor coming in and going out of the premises. Usually, we have seen security guards getting an entry with signatures in a manual record. This kind of security system is no longer secured for any businesses, especially for a manufacturing industry where frequent transfer of goods occurs. It is important to keep track of data on how many materials/goods have been dispatched/bought. The vehicle’s movements and the new visitors should be monitored without any fraudulence. To accomplish this a software system has been brought which can handle all these issues in one place.

Gate entry Management in ERP Software

Reasons why you need to have a Gate Entry Management :

Enhanced Security :

It provides you with proof of every movement inside or outside the premises. Any visitor cannot enter the company without giving their details and getting a visitor pass. Any vehicle carrying the materials either for dispatch/return/buy, is properly checked at the gate and made an entry against the details of the products.

Saves Time :

Since the entries are made in software that has all inbuilt templates and auto-fill options, it helps in fast entry. Also eliminates human error by not missing out to collect any particulars. 

Accurate Record & Easy Storage :

The visitor pass is given in several different forms like bar codes, QR codes, face recognition, ID cards, etc which are all scanned at the entry. This could provide you with accurate details about any person or movement. Since the data is stored in cloud software it is easy for you to have a safe record and easy retrieval of data when in need. This eliminates maintaining large piles of files and physical space to store them.

Highly Reliable & Live data : 

The module is integrated with all other departments. This makes easier access to the supervisors in cross-checking any deliveries or purchases made. The software cannot make errors or give way to fraudulent entries, thus making it more reliable. Since the details are stored then and there in the module the higher authorities are capable of knowing even the current operations going in the logistics.

Features of Gate Modules in Freedom ERP :

Attendance Entry: It is the Employee entry asking for details like Name, Attendance type (in / out / permission / OD / Lunch), Date, and Time.

Gate Entry: Vehicle entry is made using the details such as check-in/check-out, Driver Name, Vehicle type & number, Materials, Customer name, Quantity, and Bills. 

Vehicle Movement: This field collects details on Trip Type, Date & Time, Customer Name, Transporter Name, Driver Mobile, Expected Distance, Rate/Km, Hours Charge, Start & End Point

Visitor Pass: The Visitor Pass screen asks for the following fields, Visitor Name, Visit Purpose, Company Name, Email, Mobile, and Person To Meet.

To know more about other modules and ERP Software Package Quotation, Contact us. Fix your demo and avail your free trial now!

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